Medina Lake Cajun Festival
Fais Do Do Pavillion
11:00-12:50 pm--Ca Va Bien - Robin Howell (Tex/Cajun)
1:00-3.00 pm--Bayou Sounds - David Sticker
3:10-5:15 pm--Jean Pierre and the Zydeco Angels
5:15-5:45 pm--Great Gumbo Cookoff
5:50-7:50 pm--Bayou Sounds
8:00-10:00 pm--Jean Pierre and the Zydeco Angels
The covered main pavilion has picnic tables and bleachers for seating and a large dance floor for dancing.
Gazebo Stage
The Gazebo Stage features a large concrete dance floor for your enjoyment. The outdoor area has a new covered pavilion to protect you from the sun and chairs for seating.
11:00-3:00 pm--Ryan Simon - Acadian Cajun Band
3:00- 5:00 pm--Ca Va Bien - Robin Howell (Tex/Cajun)
5:00-9:00 pm--Rimshot Band
Sound:--Century Sound - Tommy Achiles (Jonathan)
The Encyclopedia of Cajun Culture lists Zydeco as follows:
Zydeco is a popular accordion-based musical genre hailing from the prairies of south-central and southwest Louisiana. Contrary to popular belief, it is not Cajun in origin; rather Zydeco is the music of south Louisiana’s Creoles of color, who borrowed many of Zydeco’s defining elements from Cajun music. (In turn, Cajun music borrowed many of its traits from Creole music.)
From Wise
The name zydeco comes from the French phrase that means, “The snap beans are not salty.” Les haricots (the snap beans) is pronounced “lay-zydeco.” The phrase is a metaphor for hard times. Creoles traditionally seasoned their food, including their snap beans, with salted meat. When times were bad, salted meat became too expensive, which explained why "the beans aren’t salty."
Although zydeco music can contain a wide spectrum of musical instruments, the core instruments used are an accordion and a frottoir, which is a special kind of washboard also called a rubboard which was invented by Clifton Chenier. Throughout the 20th century, other instruments such as electric guitars, Cajun triangles and horns have been added to the standard instruments plus a bass and drums. Rythm and Blues have been interjected into a lot of today's Zydeco music as well.
Images & Music Courtesy Acadian Band
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Ryan Simon-Acadian Cajun Band
Images Courtesy Bayou Sounds, David Sticker
Images Courtesy Rimshot Band
Images Courtesy Ca Va Bien
Jean Pierre & Zydeco Angels
Images Courtesy Jean-Pierre Blanchard & Zydeco Angels
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